Tag Archives: compassion

Moral Qualities of Men by Confucius - The Power of Compassion

Why Compassion is So Important

We live in such a busy world. Everywhere you go you hear about either being more, doing more, or buying more. With everyone in the family either going to school or working, “busy” is the new normal. Self-care falls by the wayside, spending time with others is minimal at best,…

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Self-Acceptance Ebook

Self-Acceptance Ebook

A] The Self-Acceptance Ebook “Self-Acceptance“How Compassion Frees You, Heals You, AndLeads You To Radical Contentment This month’s Personal Development Blog Ebook of The Month:   Thank you for checking out this month’s inspiring personal development ebook, “Self-Acceptance“. See previous releases of Personal Development Blog Ebook of The Month. B] Related…

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Character Counts: Being a Good Role Model for Your Children

Character Counts: Being a Good Role Model for Your Children We all want to be good role models for our children. An integral part of being that good role model is displaying good character for them. Character is the backbone that will help our children go through life in the…

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Positive Discipline and Character Development

Positive Discipline and Character Development Discipline is something that affects every area of a child’s life. If a parent disciplines in a way that demeans a child, the child could grow up to be a resentful, angry adult. If the parent disciplines in a way that is respectful, the child…

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What Are Character Strengths?

What Are Character Strengths? Character is the basis of all that makes us who we are. Good character is a general term for someone who displays the qualities that makes someone what is considered to be a “good person.” But what are some of the specific character strengths? Here are…

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13 Ways to Deal Effectively With Unwarranted Criticism

13 Ways to Deal Effectively With Unwarranted Criticism Unjustifiable criticism may seem unfair, but the way you respond can turn it into a constructive experience. Try these suggestions for dealing with undeserved, negative feedback in the workplace and other settings. Dealing With Unwarranted Criticism In General 1. Seek out the…

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