Do You Truly Give Thanks at Thanksgiving?

Foundation For All Abundance by Eckhart Tolle

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, how much thought and effort do you really put into this day? Do you spend time being grateful and thankful for your friends and family? Or are you just glad that you get an extra day off work?

As with any type of holiday, commercialism can creep in and ruin the real meaning of the day. This is why it is so important that you put the time into being thankful at this time of year. Parents need to set an example to their children and make plans for spending the day together whenever possible.

While many families will eagerly say that they do spend Thanksgiving, giving thanks, is this the only day of the year that they do so? What we mean, is why not fill the entire year with tons of gratitude?

You don’t have to save your thanks for your family and friends for just one day of the year. Get into the habit of letting all those people know just how special they are to you throughout the year.

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Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.
– Eckhart Tolle –


You can do this in very simple ways such as sending them a quick thank you note or email. You could also send out a Tweet, Facebook message or a text message on your phone.

Thanksgiving is also the time when retailers run their Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. This can also eat into the time you spend with your family. If you are going to shop see if you can include some other family members too. Don’t exclude them to the point of not showing up the entire weekend for the sake of picking up a couple of specials! Is money more important than family?

Traditions are wonderful for this time of year too. Why not start a new family Thanksgiving tradition this year? This might consist of taking a family photo or just sitting around the fireplace sharing childhood memories and stories. These small moments are easily treasured by every family member for years to come.

If you do intend to hit those sales this weekend, take a few moments and be grateful for those employees who are working. Don’t forget to smile and say “thank you” to them. Any small action, even from a stranger, can brighten up anyone’s day. Especially for those who have to work when they would much rather be home enjoying the day with their family.

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