Category Archives: Generosity

Each Day, I Strive To Learn Something New

I seldom become bored because I believe there is always something interesting to learn. I need only take notice of the things around me, even in the details of my normal daily routines, to discover learning opportunities. When I pay close attention to how the sun rises each morning, I…

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I Show Kindness To Others

I strive to develop certain character traits each day. One of the attributes I find the most fulfilling is kindness. To me, being kind means that I understand the other person’s position. I seem to know how the other person feels and then I act in ways that uplift them.…

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I Take The Blessing From Every Lesson

Things happen in life that I am unable to control or change, and I accept that. However, even if I am incapable of influencing a situation, I can still learn from it. I make it a point to receive the blessing from every lesson, even if it is an unfavorable…

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Opening My Heart To Others Brings Me Joy

Reflection Affirmation Title: Opening My Heart To Others Brings Me Joy Click on Custom Photo Cards for more. Courtesy by Personal Development Blog My heart is like a castle that I protect with all of my passion. Yet, when I let down the drawbridge to let others in, I am…

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