An Important Way to Be More Self Sufficient

Finding A Helping Hand by Swedish Proverb

Do you want to be more self-reliant? Then you absolutely must learn to be more self-sufficient. Is there a difference between the two? There absolutely is.

Self-reliance is a state of mind or an attitude where you make conscious choices not to depend on anyone or anything to the greatest extent possible. Self-sufficiency is the actions that you take in order to make that decision to be self-reliant real. One is internal and the other external. One is largely mental and the other is largely physical. In short, self-sufficiency is how we make self-reliance evident in the world. So, if you’ve made the decision to be self-reliant, here is a way for you to become more self-sufficient and show the world how self-reliant you really are.

Grow Your Own Food

We all depend on food and nutrition to survive. It’s fact of life that we can’t ignore. If we do, we die. While we can’t choose not to eat, we can choose the manner in which we obtain the food we require. Most people obtain their food from a grocery store or supermarket. The food in these stores is very often grown or produced hundreds, if not thousands of miles away. In order to get to the stores, it must travel through a vast supply and distribution chain of ships, warehouses and trucks. This distribution takes time, so most of the food needs to be preserved in order to survive the journey. The supply chain is also very fragile. Any manmade or natural disaster can disrupt the chain with disastrous results to the consumers on the other end.

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The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.
– Swedish Proverb


Growing your own food is a way to insulate yourself from disaster and from the unhealthy effects of preservatives. In addition, you can also grow what you choose and what you like and not have to depend on the vagaries of supply and demand.Growing your own food is also an excellent way of not depending on others for what you eat. Becoming food independent builds your self-sufficiency skills. This, in turn, builds you sense of self-reliance. You realize that you don’t have to conform to how others choose to obtain their food. You realize that you have the innate ability to learn how to do things that allow you to establish your personal independence. You learn that you are able to march to your own drummer and survive and thrive.

Featured Personal Development Ebook:

On Your Own - Developing Self-Reliance
This is a book about self-reliance. It’s a book about developing the ability to depend on your own skills in order to get ahead in the world. It’s also about developing the confidence to depend upon those skills to get you through difficult situaFons. It’s a book that explores the ways that you can become a stronger and more decisive human being.

This ebook is about developing the ability to depend on your own skills, developing the confidence to depend upon those skills to get you through difficult situations and, exploring the ways that you can become a stronger and more decisive human being.

You will receive four files in one compressed file (ZIP file) for your personal use:
- 22-page Main Ebook in PDF
- 2-page Checklist in PDF
- 10 Powerpoint Slides
- 1 Infographic in JPG

Click on "On Your Own - Developing Self-Reliance" for more info.

Price: $27.00
Price: $7.00





Grow Your Own Food


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