9 Ways to Develop Daily Discipline

Discipline is something we all wish we had a little more of. With discipline, losing weight, going to the gym, and flossing regularly are a piece of cake. Goals are achieved, and we feel good about ourselves when we exercise discipline.

You’re also less susceptible to your impulses and emotions when you have a high level of discipline.

Use these techniques to gain the discipline necessary to control your behavior and achieve your goals:

Extraordinary Habits Inspirational Ebook

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1. Make your bed. It’s a simple thing, but if you’re like most people, you either don’t do it or you don’t do it well. When you’re rushing around getting ready for work, you don’t feel like making your bed. But when you make your bed, you start out the day with a win, and this can alter the rest of your day for the better.

2. Take a cold shower. There are health benefits to cold water, and you’ll save a little bit of money on the utility bill. Get under that stream of cold water and take your normal shower. You’ll be surprised how easy it is after a week or so. If you can stand a cold shower, you can take on the world.

3. Eat a super healthy breakfast. Decide on the healthiest breakfast that can possibly be created within your budget. Now, eat it every day. The healthiest breakfast is the healthiest breakfast. It’s not just the healthiest breakfast you would enjoy. This is the meal equivalent of a cold shower.

4. Create a to-do list each day and complete it. Avoid making an endless list of items to complete but create a reasonable list. Don’t allow yourself to go to bed until it’s completed. One night with only three hours of sleep will teach you to take yourself seriously.

5. Determine your motivation for doing something. One way to stay the course is to understand the value in what you’re doing. Going to your night class might be a drag, but if you remind yourself that you’ll ultimately become a nurse and help people, you’ll have the discipline to keep showing up.

6. Have a plan for what you’ll do when your discipline falters. Suppose you’re going a party and you want to stick to your diet. Have a plan for what you’ll do when faced with delicious, unhealthy snacks. You might decide that you’ll drink a glass of water or eat the apple that you brought with you but have a plan.

7. Become a master at finishing. Whatever you start, finish. Get the job done. You might feel like finishing the laundry or writing a book report tomorrow, but get it done today. So many people leave things 10% incomplete. Overcome the urge to put it off and just finish it.

8. Eliminate temptations and distractions. Why make life harder than it has to be? Temptations and distractions can include ice cream, Facebook, or your cell phone. Discipline is easier to exercise when there are fewer distractions.

9. Brush your teeth at least twice each day and floss. Poor oral hygiene can be extremely unhealthy. It’s a simple thing with great benefits. It’s also boring. Take care of your mouth each day whether you feel like it or not.

How much more could you achieve if you had more discipline? You know what you want and how to get it.

With all the information available today, it’s not hard to figure out how to get what you want. The challenge lies in controlling yourself. It’s making the cold calls or skipping the hot fudge sundaes.

Discipline may be the missing ingredient in your quest for success!


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Self Mastery
If you’re like most success-oriented people, you dream of gaining control over yourself and your life. That would be the ultimate accomplishment for many.

Habits are an important part of this process. Successes and failures are primarily the end result of habits. Your habits will also determine the long-term results you achieve.

The things you do repeatedly matter. The way you handle stress and uncertainty matter. How you plan your day matters. There are many things that matter when you do them day after day over a long period of time.

Learn to master the necessary habits and you’ll master yourself and your life. The world is your oyster if you can use the power of habits to your advantage.

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